Fuhh...penatnyaaaa...last weekend was quite hectic for me because as a member of Macross Fans Of Malaysia (ahem!), we had to setup showcase booth in Midvalley Megamall.
Seronok dapat jumpa fans and friends, even old friends that we have never seen for a long time!
Of course, as it is the first time such an event was held here, there's a lot of room for improvement. But, with limited resources, uncooperative industry players and even the pulling out of the main sponsor at the last minutes, I consider it as a success. Kudos to the organiser! Our booth...datang2 tgk, sedih tol, right next to the toilet! Luckily it was well maintained.
Another local Toy Collector Forum, Transmy, with their ever present founder, Mike Monkticon, hard at work setting up their showcase.
I will continue later with more pics of the event....