Hi all fellow friends and collectors! Guess what? I finally received my Mark VI!! Wohoooo.....
Heheh, yeah, so what..... Anywhooooo...to jumpstart those who are new to this collectible arena, HotToys is a Hong Kong based company which specialises in producing 1/6 scaled figures, from movies and videogames. So far their products are of high quality, hence sought after by all collectors.
I already got my War Machine ( see past review ), so it's only logical for me to get the main suit from the Iron Man 2 movie, the MARK VI! Without further ado, let's proceed...

The packaging is almost similar to War Machine's, with the outer box-sleeve depicting the character. Metallic finish gives it that exclusive feel...

I said similar, because this time, a special base is also given, to recreate the final scene where Mark VI and War Machine goes up against Whiplash and the Hammertech Drones. Cool!

Optional battle damage armor, extra base, extra palm/fists including a pair with articulated fingers, Tony Stark head in armor makes this a worthwhile collection. One point of caution; the 'function stick' supplied is TRANSPARENT in color, so if you are not careful while taking out the manual, you might drop and lose it...you have been warned... :P

Display Stand and Action Base

Tony Stark's head. Excellent sculpt.

Overall design is superb. Almost 100% likeness of the movie hero. Articulation is not really the high point since this figure is made more for display value. Having said that, the available range of motion is impressive enough. I'll show you later on.

Mask on, mask off! I could swear that's Tony Stark/Robert Downey Jr. himself wearing the armor.

LED on both palms, head and chest.

Okay, remember what I said about the range of motion? See the hip? It's actually extendable, you can twist the body at almost 45degree angle all around, making more dynamic poses possible! I just love this feature. And the groin armor it actually made of flexible material, I think rubber, so that it does not interfere much with the leg articulation. Great job!

For those who are into photography, you will know joy with this figure... ;)

"I promote world peace!", or is it," Teh tarik duer, buih lebih!"

To those who thinks that Mark VI wimped out to War Machine's arsenal, fret not, cause this suit comes fully loaded, babey! Take a look at above pics.

At the hips is the hidden chaff/flare dispenser. A simple twist will activate or deactivate the device. But on my unit, the left part is a bit problematic. See the 'thorny' parts there? It tend to stick out with even the slightest twist and turn on the thigh. I heard from a friend of mine, http://www.superheroesbase.com/, this is a common issue though.

Another nice gimmick is the flaps on the back and leg calf. My complaint is that the large back flaps could not stay flush with the main body...but nothing serious.

Pairing it with HotToys War Machine.....absolute fun!

Now, let's look at the 'battle damage' option parts, ok? ;)

'Battle damaged' MK VI


Chest armor

Right and left arm.

Thigh armor.

Here is the overall look with all the optional battle damage armors installed. I guess this is where HotToys really excell, since with this nice addition, you can get TWO whole new look with just one figure! And the addition of the diorama-stand really spice up the display. I have a whole lot of fun just taking pictures for this review. XD
I guess that's it then. I try to be really short and straight to the point, so that I do not bore you with tiny, nerdy details...haha! Out of 5, I confidently give this figure a 4.5/5. If not because of the minor issues, Hottoys could have made the perfect score. Seriously, what are you waiting for? Go get one already!

" You don't wanna regret missing us in your collection, pal....."